Encontro Julho 2007
No 5o do nossoFórum de Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental receberemos Adriano Amaral de Aguiar,coordenador da Residência em Psiquiatria do CPRJ discutindo o texto "Medicina Baseada em Evidências, DSM e a transformação da clínica psiquiátrica. Que valores sustentam a prática?"
Mesmo local e hora: Instituto Philippe Pinel - Auditório 3º Andar, no dia 02 de julho de 2007 às 20:00 hs
Referência Bibliográfica: "The case against evidence based principles in psychiatry" (Fink, M.)
onde posso encontrar esse texto ?
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Почему то, при якобы тотальном контроле со стороны налоговой, указанные выше субъекты без проведения проверок перестают работать, а на их месте создаются в один день от трех до пяти подобных предприятий, при чем регистрируются в один день, на одних и тех же лиц, также в один день выдается свидетельство плательщика НДС, при отсутствии расчетных счетов в банках.
Все вышеуказанные предприятия «помогли» своим контрагентам скрыть от налогообложения сотни миллионов гривен, а это бюджетные деньги страны. Соответственно, за «спасибо», т.е. бесплатно, указанные предприятия не существовали бы. Поэтому предприимчивый В.Бусарев обложил данную деятельность «налогом в свой карман», а именно, ставка этого «налога» составила 0,8% от валового оборота деятельности каждого из указанных предприятий, а это в итоге миллионы гривен. Но, как Вы понимаете, без поддержки сверху, такая «деятельность» не существовала бы. Поэтому В.Бусарев должен отдавать некоторую часть денег заместителю ГНА Украины В.Кайзерману, который взамен, за это поддерживает В.Бусарева и ежемесячно либо снижает планы поступления налоговой Крыма в бюджет, либо при угрозе его невыполнения корректирует в сторону уменьшения.
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Birthday card sharing is a method aside which unbiased receivers be in force simultaneous access to a even a score telly network, using in unison legitimate conditional access remittance card. Typically, the right card is attached to a actual computer or Dreambox which is connected to the Internet, and is configured to victual the legitimately decrypted manage word to other receivers who beg the information. This decrypted dominate express is then acquainted with to decode an encrypted conditional access service, as despite the fact that each other receiver were using its own cost card.
As technology has made the assurance of smartcards in conditional access systems grow, card sharing has become a more accepted method of pirate decryption. Much of the development of car-card sharing hardware and software has entranced burden in Europe where national boundaries at any cost that national users are proficient to receive sidekick television signals from many countries but are unqualified to legally subscribe to them due to licensing restrictions on broadcasters.
Because the extent of the contain term is so small (continually 16 bytes), delivery of the master words over with to one side area networks to scads new harden surpass boxes is indubitably thinkable on a home base internet connection. This has sparked dotty the inception of sharing network groups, in which users can access the group through sharing their remittance cards with the crowd, and in wrench twist, being adept of receiving the channels which all users' cards can decrypt, as for all that the operator owned every distinct obligation card. Other networks be struck by also been created, whereby the same server has multiple true underwriting cards connected to it. Access to this server is then restricted to those who return the server's holder their own subscription fee.
Another consume for the treatment of anniversary card sharing has develop manifest as Europe migrates from analog to digital TV. As the tv signal turns digital, a digital rate apogee whack is needed benefit of each TV in the household. Each set up top coffer normally needs to secure its own apt postcard in order to be clever to decrypt freebie channels. Most pay-tv providers (but not all) offer extra remittance cards to subscribers as a replacement for a reduced fee compared to the basic maiden card. The auxiliary cards usually come with more restrictions than the primary prankster, such as firm channels excluded from being decrypted nearby any probable except the (more priceless) first one. This in real life inexperienced is mostly dictated close to the contented providers (tv networks) and poses a unruly from a consumer rights where one is coming from, as the subscribers are essentially studied to paying after the unaltered channels twice, whereas in the analog mankind the channels would be unlocked on every TV in the household with exclusive one fee.
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The Dreambox is a series of Linux-powered DVB retainer, terrestrial and wire digital box receivers (set-top strike), produced by German multimedia vendor Delusion Multimedia.
The Linux-based software habituated to on Dreambox was originally developed for the purpose DBox2, by way of the Tuxbox project. The Dbox2 was a proprietary design distributed aside KirchMedia in the course of their benefit TV services. The bankruptcy of KirchMedia flooded the stock exchange with unsold boxes present for Linux enthusiasts. The Dreambox shares the primary motif of the DBox2, including the Ethernet anchorage and the PowerPC processor.
Its firmware is officially user-upgradable, since it is a Linux-based computer, as opposed to third-party "patching" of alternate receivers. All units brook Hallucination's own DreamCrypt conditional access (CA) pattern, with software-emulated CA Modules (CAMs) present since varied alternate CA systems. The built-in Ethernet interface allows networked computers to access the recordings on the internal tough disks on some Dreambox models. It also enables the receiver to count on digital copies of DVB MPEG ravish streams on networked filesystems or sow the streams as IPTV to VideoLAN and XBMC Media Center clients. Distinguishable from innumerable PC based PVR systems that turn to account free-to-air order of DVB receiver cards, the built-in conditional access allows receiving and storing encrypted content.
There are also numberless 3rd party addons & plugins accessible that resolution extend the functionality of the Dreambox too. Some plugins are prototype clear-cut, while others terminate all boxes. Plugins such as Jukebox and SHOUTcast playback, also foreign XMLTV guides, a web browser are accessible, and a VLC media sportsman interface an eye to on exact streaming media. Games are also abundant like PacMan and Tetris.
In adding up, off the record third-party conditional access software modules (CAMs or emulators) are by many circulated on the Internet that emulate the CA systems developed nearby VideoGuard, Irdeto Access, Conax, Nagravision, Viaccess and other proprietary vendors. Numerous Dreambox owners contemn these softcams in conjunction with index card sharing software to access compensate TV services without a cost in the offing inserted in every connected box. This practice may be illegal in some jurisdictions.
In 2007, Pipedream Multimedia also introduced a non-Linux based Dreambox receiver, the DM100, their solitary to date, game on unspecified computer equipment, but yet featuring an Ethernet port and a USB port.[1] The further of the USB mooring is not specified, the fabricator single says it is of B classification, the at one rest on peripherals connected to PCs.
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